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Ultrasonic Sensor With Arduino Uno

Yeah, Ultrasonic sensor now its working. Today i am gonna to share the code of how its work:)

It quite easy. We just need to connect 4-pin which is VCC,GND,ECHO and TRG from Ultrasonic sensor to Arduino. Done:)

Code :

int trigger_pin = 4;
int echo_pin = 2;
int LED_pin = 13;
int time;
int distance;

void setup ( ) {
        Serial.begin (9600);
        pinMode (trigger_pin, OUTPUT);
        pinMode (echo_pin, INPUT);
        pinMode (LED_pin, OUTPUT);

void loop ( ) {
    digitalWrite (trigger_pin, HIGH);
    delayMicroseconds (10);
    digitalWrite (trigger_pin, LOW);
    time = pulseIn (echo_pin, HIGH);
    distance = (time * 0.034) / 2;

  if (distance <= 10)
        Serial.println (" Object Detect ");
        Serial.print (" Distance= ");             
        Serial.println (distance);       
        digitalWrite (LED_pin, HIGH);
        delay (500);
  else {
        Serial.println (" No obstacle ");
        Serial.print (" Distance= ");             
        Serial.println (distance);       
        digitalWrite (LED_pin, LOW);
        delay (500);       




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