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Understanding of Embedded System Concept

An embedded system is a controller with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today according to Wikipedia.

I am not going to share about definition and etc..

What i am going to share is how it work??😃😃

The three main component is Processor, RAM and Memory..Why? and What is the roles of this component?


👷👉 Processor
📁👉 Table as RAM
📕👉 Cabinet as Memory

You(Processor) processing data at your table(RAM). Then if you need something, get it from Cabinet(Memory) and put into the table and process it.

As simple as That!😁

In automotive industry nowadays, for instance, most of the car using radio which is not a Norma radio but intelligent radio which is connected to each ECU in the car.

This radio is most like a mini computer where it can have multiple function such as media, radio, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi and TV..

Wow..amazing but how it work?


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